Dynaway sortingplant
This project is a sortingplant that sorts 2x4 and 1x2 bricks in size and color. The bricks get sorted directly into pallets in a high bay storage system. When a new color is detected, an empty pallet in the high bay storage is assigned to the color. When a pallet is full, a robot retrieves it, and returns a new empty pallet. There are 7 NXT’s in the plant, and they all communicate with each other and a PC application over Bluetooth. The software written in leJOS, with is a java language for MINDSTORMS®. It's build for a company called Dynaway (www.dynaway.com). They use this model to demonstrate their manufacturing execution system. The model is designed to fit inside one large flight case, for easy transport. The 3D model of the creation was made posible with following applications: - SR 3D Builder: http://sr3dbuilder.altervista.org - ML Cad: http://mlcad.lm-software.com - LDView: http://ldview.sourceforge.net |